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Num Nums Of the Day

Weekly Awards
Movie Of The Week
.::.Half Baked.::.
Dave Chappelle at his finest before Dave Chappelle was "Dave Chappelle." Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a stoner to enjoy this flick. We could B.S. you with some crap about it being "a story of friends who will do anything for each other when one is in trouble," but lines like "you gave Mary Jane a pearl necklace, how much did that cost" kind of throw that option out the window. Enjoy Chappelle, Jim Breuer and "Killer vs. Nibbles" at their finest.
"That Guy" Of The Week
.::.Walter Peck.::.
Yes, him. Remember this asshole. He's the knucklebrain from the Environmental Protection Agency that shut down the containment unit in the Ghostbusters basement. If it weren't for him, goblins and ghouls wouldn't have terrorized the city of New York. Ms. Dana Barrett and Louis Tully probably wouldn't have turned into dogs. To make things worse, he never used the magic word "please" when asking Dr. Peter Venkman for a favor. Thanks a lot Peck.

Drinking Game Of The Week
.::.Around The Horn.::.
Second straight week as our Drinking Game Of The Week. It's simple. Grab a 30 pack. Grab at least 3 other friends. Each pick a contestant on the show. For each point the other contestants get, you drink for a second. Your friends do the same when your guy/gal gets a point. But if your contestant gets muted, you have to drink for 10 seconds. If your guy/gal gets eliminated, you have to chug the rest of your beer and continue with the game. If your guy/gal wins you are the coolest person for the rest of the day and should go make a t-shirt letting everyone know that. (for instance...I choose Jay Mariotti, one friend chooses Woody Paige, the other chooses Kevin Blackistone and the other chooses Michael Smith/J.A. Adondae (they look the same don't they?). Each time Smith/Blackistone/Paige gets a point I drink for a second. Each time Jay gets a point my friends drink. Capesh?) Hell, you can drink for Stat Boy being a stud.

Entourage Episode Of The Week
.::.Season 1, Ep 3: The Talk Show.::.
Vince gets a last minute spot on the Jimmy Kimmel show where he meets up with an old flame (literally she's hot as shit - Sara Foster), while the boys get the green room treatment with a room full of booze and gorgeous women. Now I wonder why so many guys like this show? Hmmm. Classic episode and to kick it off, the line at the end makes the season. "Great night, great f'n night."

Seinfeld Episode Of The Week
.::.Season 9, Ep 174: The Frogger.::.
George stumbles on a Frogger machine in which he set the high score 20+ years ago. Seeing how he hasn't moved on to anything better in life - Jerry even points that out - George sets out on an adventure to buy the Frogger machine to make sure "G.L.C." lives! Along the way, Kramer and his "cosmo" (no pun intended) buddies (including Slipper Pete) help George in his mission.
80's movie/jam Of The Week
.::.Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.::.
Anyone else think it was not fair that when Bill and Ted played the air guitar, you could actually guitar chords? If that's not enough for you to love the movie, how about getting the chance to see: Dave Beeth Oven, Maxine of Arc, Herman the Kid, Bob "Genghis" Khan, So-Crates Johnson, Dennis Frood and of course Abraham Lincoln.

Cool Thing From The 80's Of The Week
.::.Mr. Miyagi.::.
Serving as the greatest superhero and Sensei of all time, Mr. Miyagi was one of the coolest people of all-time. Here at FP, we're convinced that he was a real person and not a movie character. He did so much for everyone on his time on earth including: helping poor little Daniel Son win the "All Valley Tournament" title from that pukehead-jerk-mr. big shot on campus, Johnny Lawrence. In the 1st Karate Kid he got hammered and sang songs. He made a poor white kid from New Jersey to do all of his little chores. He was the one who had all those phat ass cars from Detroit. He was the one who made evil Cobra Kai Sensei John Kreese's knuckles bleed. He invented famous quotes that rank among Edgar Allen Poe and Michael Jordan, like "wax on, wax off" and "sand the floor" and "paint the fence." He was the one who was probably "waxing on, waxing off" on Daniel Son's sweetheart, Ali (Elisabeth Shue). Did I mention he was getting drunk as hell a lot in the movie? And he taught the world the most sweetest karate move ever: the Crane kick.

Dude Food Of The Week
.::.Mama Celeste $1 pizzas.::.
We thought Aunt Jemima was the coolest lady on the block until we met Mama Celeste. How many countless memories (or lack of) do you have of when you were in college and it was too late to order anything, but Mama Celeste's $1 pizzas came to the rescue. All you had to do is just walk a block over to the 7-11 or Food Lion and there was that beautiful lady's face planted on that box - printed on 100% recycable paper of course - with the picture of overflowing cheese on what seems like a 20 inch pizza and a bundle of breadsticks in the background (never found the breadsticks) trapped in that freezer case calling out your name. Just because you are no longer in college, you are still welcome to take part in this awesome (yet affordable) meal. Generic store no-name brand dollar pizzas are acceptable as well.

YouTube Clip Of The Week
.::.Zach vs Slater.::.
The greatest match-up in boxing/wrestling history pits two friends Zack Morris vs A.C. Slater in this classic bout in the hallways of Bayside High. [ .::.Link.::. ] (warning: there may be inappropriate language/video in YouTube clips of the week, so enter at own discretion. Feature Presentation is not affiliated w/ YouTube ... we just love their videos)

About Num Nums
As you can see from this tasty little number, our "Num Nums" section is designed for guys and guys only (unless if you're a female who plays on the other team). Movies, TV, Broads, Booze, Entourage, name it, we have it. We'll update our Weekly Awards every, well, week of course.

© 2006  Feature Presentation
Doug McKinney
E-mail | # 301-802-5535

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