
  • Welcome to FP's Face 2 Face. Each Wednesday 4 FP columnists from different regions of the U.S. will debate on the hottest sports topics out there using your questions! You the reader also get to vote on which columnist you think got the answer right. After each week we tally up the points and add it to each team's total points score.


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  • "Which rookie will have the biggest impact this year: Vernon Davis, Reggie Bush, Mario Williams, Matt Leinart?"
    -John C. | Arizona

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    Andy Kent
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    Coby DuBose
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    Danny Nolan
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    Reggie Bush will get his touches and fantasy points. Matt Leinart will take a few snaps here and there and learn the NFL game as a backup this year. Mario Williams will start, but he'll see his ups and downs. Vernon Davis, hands down, will have the biggest impact. 49er QB Alex Smith has no one to pass to other than Davis, who has the perfect body for a tight end. At Maryland, teams would triple team Davis, but whenever a quarterback could get him the ball ... he'd make the defense pay. I can't see anything being different with him in the NFL. Ruff, Ruff.
    Reggie Bush - Although running backs are usually the best candidates to make an immediate impact, when has a guy this hyped ever come in and lived up to expectations. More importantly, people seem to have written off Deuce, an absolute stud before he got hurt, even while playing with an atrocious Aaron Brooks.
    Matt Leinart - Rookie QB who won’t even be the number one to start the season, playing behind one of the most notoriously bad offensive lines in football even if he does break the lineup.
    Vernon Davis - Could make an impact, but the Niners are too awful for him to do anything noteworthy.
    So I'm going to go with Mario Williams. With all of the Texans' other problems, how anyone could lampoon Houston for not taking Bush is beyond me. Running back is arguably the team’s greatest strength, with a very capable D. Davis in the backfield. I like Williams to show everyone that the Texans are finally on the right track.
    This one is simple. I'll pin it on the former Terp. Vernon Davis will be the biggest impact player this year for one simple reason: He has to be. In front of Leinart is the cagey former MVP Kurt Warner. Bush will show flashes of brilliance, but New Orleans still has Duece McAllister. Mario Williams is still a project defensive end and this year he will draw comparisons not to Julius Peppers, but to Sam Bowie. Davis comes into an offense in need of weapons. With a young quarterback and below average offensive line, look for the 49ers to be looking his way a good bit this year.
    Sure Vernon Davis will be Alex Smith's only target, and yeah Reggie Bush looks like the real deal. You also know at some point Mario Williams will get his sacks, but i am going to go with Matt Leinart mainly because already banged Paris Hilton--It took Brian Urlacher a couple seasons before he accomplished that stat. He was late into training camp, but he quickly earned the second spot on the depth chart, and Denny Green has already let him call his own plays from the line; because Matt is that smart. Matt is only one bad hit, bad interception or fumble away from being thrown behind center of one of the most talented offenses in the NFL. So look for Leinart to not miss a beat when he gets his opportunity-- He'll throw for a couple hundred yards, He'll throw a few touchdowns, He'll knock down a few wins for the Cardinals, and he'll bang a few more Laguna Beach cast members. Cause baning hot chicks and Football is what Matt Leinart is about!

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